Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Putting Wine in Its Place

Weekdays, wine glasses will be for purposes other than
chardonnay or cabernet sauvignon. *
I know this will come as a terrible shock to my wine-loving friends, and that includes almost all of them, but I'm putting wine in its place. Its place is on weekends and special occasions. It is not for every single day, as it has been for more years than I care to count. Why this sudden loss of sanity? Why the deprivation? The suppression of desire to swill wine while cooking dinner and eating it?

It's about a couple things. Weight is one. I've been seeing the same 3-4-pound-range on the scale for more than 10 years. Ten years ago is when a near-death experience and 9 days in intensive care led to a 15-pound weight loss.  I started to regain the weight (which I was ecstatic to have dumped), because I still believed in the erroneous low-fat-equals-weight-loss theory of dieting. Too many bowls of brown rice, dry baked potatoes, and boxes of fat-free Junior Mints later, I discovered low-carb nutrition. I committed to the lifestyle and yada yada yada. I lost the weight I'd regained and stabilized, with a few minor corrections through the years.

Now, I'd like to drop a jean size or two. But I detest dieting and don't want to give up anything. I already said goodbye to bread, pasta, rice, sugar, potatoes, bananas, wheat and most grains ten years ago. I'm NOT putting aside butter, cream, eggs, meat, berries, olive and coconut oils, mountains of kale, chard, spinach and broccoli, plus a little bit of chocolate at night. What else is there?


Let's see. At 3-4 glasses of wine daily, I'm consuming around 15-20 carbs and between 300-600 calories, which adds up to as much as 140 carbs and 4,200 calories a week. Yikes.  I know, I count carbs, not calories. But still. I can't ignore these numbers. PK has suggested several times over the years that we test our shared wine habit with a period of abstinence.  Go ahead, I've always said. I wasn't ready to stare at the stove in the twilight without a glass of wine nearby. What changed my mind?

I'm not sure. Just a gradual dawning that I was indulging a daily habit that, despite claims to wine's health benefits, probably wasn't doing me any good. Plus the fact that the ugly A word kept bobbing  up. After all the years of routine wine-ing, could we really quit?

Yes, it appears, but on our terms. We've decided to drink only on weekends or special occasions, including vacations. So. A couple weeks ago, we put away the corkscrew and Sunday through Thursday did not imbibe. Come Sunday night, we were back on the wagon again for a second week, which included the 3-day MLK weekend, technically a special occasion. Come Monday, though, a return to alcohol-free living. It's been a lot easier than I thought.

The truth is that I needed to push the reset button on everyday drinking. I'm going to stick with it for a year and see what happens. In the meantime, we're spending a week in Mexico soon with a group of friends. It will be a special occasion, indeed, and I will raise a margarita to toast my new relationship with wine.
*Those lovely geraniums are growing in our living room!


  1. good for you MK...I stopped drinking all alcohol about 23 yrs ago ...and it makes a difference...and one notices how many people use alcohol in their lives, daily and for holidays, vacations, celebrations....can those activities be fun with alcohol? yes! but you are skinnier than I am so go figure :)..I like my choice...its a no brainer...its not even a choice anymore...just doesnt less thing to be attached little glimpse of freedom. Happiness is a bit more calm.
    Good luck with your experiment...enjoy it...andrea b.

  2. HI andrea, i had no idea you were a non drinker! i guess i remember back to the his-name-shall-not-be-mentioned days when i think you were imbibing. and the women's river trips? i guess it has been a long long time since we've actually done anything together. hope you are happy and well. and thank you for sharing your success story!

  3. Hope you don't mind if I share a story, in case it hits an aha button for anybody reading your blog. I discovered a funny thing when I dropped my wine drinking to just a Wednesday night bottle, split with two friends. The next morning, even on just that glass and a half, I always had the way-down blues. I had been considered a little moody/sensitive by friends, especially the men in my life, and had even talked to a counselor about the possibility of being something like bi-polar, but that hadn't tested true. Nobody ever thought alcohol, even a tiny bit, more than 12 hours after consumption, could be the culprit, and I had been drinking several times a week since my late teens. I don't need a test to tell me if it's allergy or sensitivity, since it was easy enough to just quit drinking. Doesn't save me tons of calories, since when in the company of friends I drink juice from my wineglass, for the fun of it, but it sure is nice to love my life all 7 days of the week!
