Friday, May 20, 2011

Sharing space with bluebirds

This photo is blurry, but it was hard won. I have a point-and-shoot camera and bluebirds are skittish. But despite its reluctance to be photographed,  I have come to love this bluebird and it's kin throughout the years. We have a bluebird house in our garden, and every spring a bluebird couple appears and, soon after,  their progeny. As I write, baby bluebirds may be chirruping/begging in the bluebird house. They make such a marvelous racket when I pass, and the bluebird parents fidget all the while on fence posts and tomato cages, worm or insect in beak, awaiting the right moment to deliver. When they do, the little birdhouse goes berserk. CHEEP CHEEP CHEEP CHEEP!! and on and on. Then I continue to cut chard, kale, and asparagus for my family, and plant seeds, and the bluebird parents continue to pluck worms and bugs for theirs, and plant memories of where this nest lies. It is good to share space with birds.