The broccoli was a surprise after removing the remay cloth that's been protecting the winter plantings for several months. Then we have rosemary, oregano, and thyme to season frozen plain tomatoes for the marinara sauce,
and baby kale and chard for the salad. |
Feb 1. I went for my first bike ride in 2011. It was brilliant sunny, about 50 degrees, and endorphin-making. Last night, Feb. 2, we enjoyed our first mostly garden salad: baby chard, broccoli, and kale, devoured with a luscious eggplant Parmesan constructed from last season's harvest. This is reason enough to rejoice for living in Southern Oregon in the State of Jefferson. But tonight, Feb. 3, was a red sunset after a warm afternoon with day lilies and peonies edging toward the sun. I was edging toward feeling uncommonly good. A few pics below.
Kale, broccoli, and cabbage plants liberated from remay
Let the 2011 growing season begin! |
Volunteer chard in the cold frame. |
Winter sun slanting into the living room. |
The evening sky above the garden. |
Reflection looking into the house. |